Mastering the Art of Spatial Logistic Regression: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Raster of Predicted Values
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Mastering the Art of Spatial Logistic Regression: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Raster of Predicted Values

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Are you tired of struggling to create a raster of predicted values from spatial logistic regression? Do you want to unlock the secrets of the R spaMM package and take your geospatial analysis to the next level? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of successfully creating a raster of predicted values using the R spaMM package.

What is Spatial Logistic Regression?

Spatial logistic regression is a statistical technique used to model the probability of a binary response variable based on a set of predictor variables that are spatially autocorrelated. It’s commonly used in fields such as epidemiology, ecology, and environmental science to analyze the spatial distribution of events or phenomena. In R, the spaMM package provides a convenient way to perform spatial logistic regression and create a raster of predicted values.


Before we dive into the tutorial, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • R installed on your computer (you can download it from the official R website)
  • The spaMM package installed (you can install it using the command install.packages("spaMM"))
  • A basic understanding of R programming and spatial analysis concepts

Step 1: Prepare Your Data

The first step in creating a raster of predicted values is to prepare your data. You’ll need the following:

  • A response variable (binary, 0/1 or yes/no)
  • A set of predictor variables (continuous or categorical)
  • Spatial coordinates (latitude and longitude) for each observation

Make sure your data is in a format that R can read, such as a CSV file or a data frame. For this example, let’s assume you have a data frame called df with the following structure:

  > head(df)
  #   response  var1  var2  var3  lat  lon
  # 1       1  23.4  12.1  45.6  37.7 -122.4
  # 2       0  11.2   9.8  22.3  38.1 -122.2
  # 3       1  15.6  10.4  35.1  37.9 -122.1
  # 4       0  20.1  11.9  40.8  38.3 -122.5
  # 5       1  18.3  12.6  38.2  37.8 -122.3
  # 6       0  16.7  10.1  32.5  38.2 -122.4

Step 2: Fit the Spatial Logistic Regression Model

Next, you’ll need to fit the spatial logistic regression model using the spaMM package. First, load the package and then use the spamm function to fit the model:

  > library(spaMM)
  > model <- spamm(response ~ var1 + var2 + var3, data = df, coordinates = ~ lat + lon)

The spamm function takes the following arguments:

  • formula: the formula specifying the response variable and predictor variables
  • data: the data frame containing the data
  • coordinates: the formula specifying the spatial coordinates

Step 3: Create the Raster of Predicted Values

Now that you've fit the model, you can create the raster of predicted values using the predict function:

  > library(raster)
  > pred_raster <- predict(model, type = "response", nrow = 100, ncol = 100, ext = extent(37.5, 38.5, -122.7, -122.1))

The predict function takes the following arguments:

  • object: the fitted model object
  • type: the type of prediction (in this case, "response" for predicted probabilities)
  • nrow and ncol: the number of rows and columns for the raster
  • ext: the extent of the raster (in this case, defined by the minimum and maximum latitude and longitude values)

The resulting pred_raster object is a raster layer containing the predicted probabilities for each pixel.

Visualizing the Raster of Predicted Values

Finally, you can visualize the raster of predicted values using the plot function:

  > plot(pred_raster, main = "Predicted Probabilities")

This will create a map showing the predicted probabilities of the response variable across the study area.

Latitude Longitude Predicted Probability
37.7 -122.4 0.6
38.1 -122.2 0.4
37.9 -122.1 0.7

Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks to keep in mind when creating a raster of predicted values using the R spaMM package:

  • Make sure your data is properly formatted and clean, with no missing values or errors.
  • Choose the correct type of prediction (e.g., "response" for predicted probabilities or "link" for predicted values on the linear predictor scale).
  • Adjust the number of rows and columns for the raster to achieve the desired resolution.
  • Use the summary function to check the model diagnostics and ensure that the model is converging properly.
  • Consider using cross-validation to evaluate the performance of the model and prevent overfitting.


In this comprehensive guide, we've walked you through the process of successfully creating a raster of predicted values from spatial logistic regression using the R spaMM package. By following these steps and tips, you'll be able to unlock the power of spatial logistic regression and take your geospatial analysis to the next level.

Remember to stay tuned for more tutorials and guides on spatial analysis and R programming. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Create a raster of predicted values from spatial logistic regression using the R spaMM package can be a bit tricky, but don't worry, we've got you covered! Here are the top 5 questions and answers to help you successfully create a raster of predicted values.

Q1: What is the first step in creating a raster of predicted values from spatial logistic regression using the R spaMM package?

First, make sure you have installed and loaded the spaMM package in R. You can do this by running the command `install.packages("spaMM")` and then `library(spaMM)`. Next, fit your spatial logistic regression model using the `slm` function, and store the result in a variable.

Q2: How do I prepare my data for creating a raster of predicted values?

Prepare your data by creating a grid of coordinates that covers the study area. You can do this using the `expand.grid` function in R. Make sure to specify the x and y coordinates, as well as the grid resolution (e.g., 100m x 100m). You'll also need to extract the predictor variables at each grid point using techniques such as bilinear interpolation or nearest-neighbor interpolation.

Q3: What is the role of the predict function in creating a raster of predicted values?

The `predict` function is used to generate predicted values of the response variable at each grid point. You'll need to pass the fitted spatial logistic regression model, as well as the grid of coordinates and predictor variables, to the `predict` function. The resulting predicted values will be a vector of probabilities that you can then rasterize.

Q4: How do I rasterize the predicted values?

To rasterize the predicted values, use the `raster` package in R. Specifically, you can use the `raster` function to create a raster layer from the predicted values. Make sure to specify the grid of coordinates, the predicted values, and the desired raster resolution (e.g., 100m x 100m).

Q5: What are some common issues to watch out for when creating a raster of predicted values?

Some common issues to watch out for include ensuring that the grid of coordinates matches the study area, checking for missing values in the predictor variables, and verifying that the raster resolution is sufficient to capture the spatial patterns in the data. Additionally, be mindful of the computational resources required for large datasets, and consider using parallel processing or cloud computing if necessary.

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