Solving the Mysterious Error: “Property ‘columnApi’ does not exist on type ‘GridReadyEvent<any, any>'” in Ag-Grid
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Solving the Mysterious Error: “Property ‘columnApi’ does not exist on type ‘GridReadyEvent<any, any>'” in Ag-Grid

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Are you stuck with the frustrating error “Property ‘columnApi’ does not exist on type ‘GridReadyEvent<any, any>'” while working with Ag-Grid? Worry not, dear developer, for you’ve landed on the right page! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of Ag-Grid, explore the reasons behind this error, and provide you with concrete solutions to get your grid up and running in no time.

What is Ag-Grid and GridReadyEvent?

Ag-Grid is a popular JavaScript data grid library that provides an extensive set of features for creating complex, data-driven grids. It’s widely used in modern web applications due to its flexibility, performance, and customization options. One of the key events in Ag-Grid is the GridReadyEvent, which is fired when the grid is fully initialized and ready for interaction.

GridReadyEvent: A Brief Overview

The GridReadyEvent is an essential event in Ag-Grid that occurs when the grid has finished rendering and is ready for the developer to interact with it. This event is typically used to perform tasks such as:

  • Accessing the grid API
  • Configuring columns and rows
  • Setting up event listeners
  • Performing data manipulation

However, when trying to access certain properties, such as the columnApi, within the GridReadyEvent, you might encounter the infamous error: “Property ‘columnApi’ does not exist on type ‘GridReadyEvent<any, any>'”. But fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to explore the reasons behind this error and provide solutions to overcome it.

The Error: “Property ‘columnApi’ does not exist on type ‘GridReadyEvent<any, any>'”

The error message indicates that the TypeScript compiler is unable to find the columnApi property on the GridReadyEvent object. This is because the GridReadyEvent type in Ag-Grid’s TypeScript definitions doesn’t include the columnApi property.

Reasons Behind the Error

There are a few reasons why this error occurs:

  1. Incompatible Ag-Grid version: The columnApi property was introduced in Ag-Grid version 23.1.0. If you’re using an older version, this property won’t be available.
  2. Incorrect event type: The GridReadyEvent type in Ag-Grid’s TypeScript definitions doesn’t include the columnApi property. This means that even if you’re using a compatible version, the TypeScript compiler won’t recognize the columnApi property.
  3. Missing type casting: Failing to cast the event object to the correct type can also lead to this error.

Solutions to the Error

Now that we’ve explored the reasons behind the error, let’s dive into the solutions:

Solution 1: Upgrade to a Compatible Ag-Grid Version

If you’re using an older version of Ag-Grid, upgrade to version 23.1.0 or later to access the columnApi property.

npm install ag-grid@^23.1.0

Solution 2: Use the Grid API Instead

If upgrading isn’t an option, or if you’re working with an older version, you can access the columnApi property through the grid API.

onGridReady(params) {
  const gridApi = params.api;
  const columnApi = gridApi.columnApi;
  // Use the columnApi property as needed

Solution 3: Cast the Event Object to the Correct Type

You can cast the event object to the correct type using the `as` keyword in TypeScript.

onGridReady(params: GridReadyEvent<any, any>) {
  const event: any = params;
  const columnApi = event.columnApi;
  // Use the columnApi property as needed

Solution 4: Use the ` params.api` Property Directly

In some cases, you can use the `params.api` property directly to access the columnApi property.

onGridReady(params) {
  const columnApi = params.api.columnApi;
  // Use the columnApi property as needed


In this article, we’ve explored the enigmatic error “Property ‘columnApi’ does not exist on type ‘GridReadyEvent<any, any>'” in Ag-Grid and provided four solutions to overcome it. By understanding the reasons behind the error and applying the solutions, you’ll be able to access the columnApi property and unlock the full potential of Ag-Grid’s features.

Remember, when working with Ag-Grid, it’s essential to keep your version up-to-date and to cast your event objects to the correct type to avoid type-related issues. With these solutions, you’ll be well on your way to creating complex, data-driven grids that delight your users.

Solution Description
Upgrade to a Compatible Ag-Grid Version Upgrade to Ag-Grid version 23.1.0 or later to access the columnApi property.
Use the Grid API Instead Access the columnApi property through the grid API.
Cast the Event Object to the Correct Type Cast the event object to the correct type using the `as` keyword in TypeScript.
Use the `params.api` Property Directly Use the `params.api` property directly to access the columnApi property.

By following these solutions, you’ll be able to resolve the “Property ‘columnApi’ does not exist on type ‘GridReadyEvent<any, any>'” error and unlock the full potential of Ag-Grid’s features. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with Ag-Grid? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about the error “Property ‘columnApi’ does not exist on type ‘GridReadyEvent‘” in Ag-Grid.

What is the “Property ‘columnApi’ does not exist on type ‘GridReadyEvent‘” error in Ag-Grid?

This error occurs when you’re trying to access the `columnApi` property on a `GridReadyEvent` object, but it doesn’t exist. This is because the `columnApi` property is not part of the `GridReadyEvent` interface.

Why does the `columnApi` property not exist on `GridReadyEvent`?

The `columnApi` property is part of the `GridApi` interface, not `GridReadyEvent`. You need to access the `gridApi` property on the `GridReadyEvent` object to get the `columnApi` property.

How do I access the `columnApi` property in Ag-Grid?

You can access the `columnApi` property by using the `gridApi` property on the `GridReadyEvent` object. For example, `event.api.columnApi`. This will give you access to the `columnApi` methods and properties.

What is the difference between `GridReadyEvent` and `GridApi` in Ag-Grid?

`GridReadyEvent` is an event that is fired when the grid is ready, while `GridApi` is an interface that provides methods and properties for interacting with the grid. `GridReadyEvent` is used to get access to the `GridApi` object, which is then used to perform operations on the grid.

How do I fix the “Property ‘columnApi’ does not exist on type ‘GridReadyEvent‘” error?

To fix this error, you need to access the `gridApi` property on the `GridReadyEvent` object and then use the `columnApi` property on the resulting `GridApi` object. For example, `event.api.columnApi`. This should fix the error and give you access to the `columnApi` property.

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