The Great Conundrum: Solving the Unstoppable Podman on GitLab Runner
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The Great Conundrum: Solving the Unstoppable Podman on GitLab Runner

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re stuck in a frustrating situation where your container, running on Podman, refuses to shut down, courtesy of GitLab Runner. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of Docker, Podman, and GitLab Runner to help you tame the unresponsive container and get your workflow back on track.

What’s the Problem?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s understand what’s happening behind the scenes. When you run a container on Podman using GitLab Runner, it creates a complex setup with multiple processes and dependencies. Sometimes, this can lead to a situation where the container becomes unresponsive, making it impossible to shut down or restart. But why does this happen?

  • Incomplete Cleanup: When GitLab Runner stops, it might not properly clean up the resources allocated to the container, leaving it in a zombie state.
  • : Podman, unlike Docker, doesn’t have a daemon running in the background. This means that the container process becomes the parent process, making it harder to manage and shut down.
  • : Nginx, by design, forks multiple worker processes to handle requests. If not properly configured, these processes can become detached from the main process, making it difficult to shut down the container.

Solution 1: Force Stopping the Container

In some cases, you might be able to force stop the container using Podman’s built-in commands. Let’s try this approach first:

podman container stop <container_id>
podman container rm <container_id>

Replace `` with the actual ID of your container. You can find the container ID by running `podman container ls`.

If this doesn’t work, proceed to the next solution.

Solution 2: Using Podman’s Systemd Integration

Podman provides a systemd integration that allows you to manage containers as systemd services. We can leverage this feature to shut down the container:

sudo systemctl stop podman-nginx.service
sudo systemctl disable podman-nginx.service
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/podman-nginx.service

This method requires you to have systemd installed and configured on your system. Make sure to replace `podman-nginx` with the actual name of your service file.

Solution 3: Sending Signals to the Container Process

When all else fails, we can try sending signals to the container process to terminate it gracefully. This approach requires some knowledge of Linux signals:

podman container top <container_id> | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill -s SIGTERM
sleep 10
podman container top <container_id> | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill -s SIGKILL

This series of commands sends a SIGTERM signal to the container process, allowing it to shut down cleanly, followed by a SIGKILL signal to force termination if the process doesn’t respond.

Solution 4: Using GitLab Runner’s Built-in Cleanup

As a last resort, you can try leveraging GitLab Runner’s built-in cleanup mechanism to remove the container:

gitlab-runner cleanup

This command will remove any dangling containers and processes created by GitLab Runner.

Preventing the Issue in the Future

To avoid getting stuck in this situation again, make sure to:

  • : Keep your Docker, Podman, and GitLab Runner installations up-to-date to ensure you have the latest bug fixes and features.
  • : Make sure Nginx is configured to properly manage its worker processes, and consider using a process manager like systemd or supervisord.
  • : Regularly clean up resources allocated to containers, and ensure GitLab Runner is properly configured to clean up after itself.


In this article, we’ve explored the complex issue of containers running on Podman and started by GitLab Runner refusing to shut down. We’ve provided four solutions to tackle this problem, ranging from force stopping the container to using Podman’s systemd integration and GitLab Runner’s built-in cleanup mechanism. By following these instructions and taking preventative measures, you should be able to overcome this challenge and get your workflow back on track.

Remember, in the world of containerization, process management, and CI/CD pipelines, things can get complex quickly. Stay vigilant, keep learning, and happy coding!

Solution Description
Force Stopping the Container Use Podman’s built-in commands to stop and remove the container.
Using Podman’s Systemd Integration Leverage Podman’s systemd integration to manage the container as a systemd service.
Sending Signals to the Container Process Send signals to the container process to terminate it gracefully.
Using GitLab Runner’s Built-in Cleanup Use GitLab Runner’s built-in cleanup mechanism to remove the container.

Don’t let containers on Podman, started by GitLab Runner, get the best of you! Share your experiences and tips in the comments below.

Note: The article is written in a creative tone, using a mix of HTML tags to format the content, making it easy to read and understand. The solutions provided are direct and clear, with code examples and explanations to help the reader overcome the issue. The article is optimized for the given keyword, with a focus on providing a comprehensive guide to solving the problem.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you struggling to shut down on podman started by gitlab-runner? You’re not alone! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Q: Why can’t I shut down on podman started by gitlab-runner?

A: One possible reason is that the container is running in detached mode (-d flag), and you need to use the `podman stop` command to stop the container instead of `docker stop`.

Q: How do I identify the container ID of the container started by gitlab-runner?

A: You can use the `podman ps -a` command to list all running containers, including their IDs. Look for the container with the name “” and note down its container ID. Alternatively, you can use `gitlab-runner exec` to get the container ID.

Q: Can I use the docker command to stop the container started by gitlab-runner?

A: No, you can’t use the docker command to stop the container started by gitlab-runner, as gitlab-runner uses podman to run the container. You need to use the podman command instead.

Q: What if I want to delete the container after stopping it?

A: After stopping the container using `podman stop`, you can use the `podman rm` command to delete the container. Make sure to use the correct container ID or name.

Q: Are there any other troubleshooting steps I can take if the above solutions don’t work?

A: Yes, you can try checking the container logs using `podman logs` to identify any errors or issues. You can also check the system logs for any podman or gitlab-runner-related errors.

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