AWS RDS: Does Promoting a Read Replica Break Replication to its Own Replica?
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AWS RDS: Does Promoting a Read Replica Break Replication to its Own Replica?

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Are you considering promoting a read replica to a standalone database instance in AWS RDS, but wondering if it will break replication to its own replica? You’re not alone! This is a common question among AWS users, and the answer might surprise you. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of AWS RDS replication, explore the process of promoting a read replica, and clarify what happens to replication when you promote a read replica to a standalone instance.

What is AWS RDS Replication?

Before we dive into the specifics of promoting a read replica, let’s quickly cover the basics of AWS RDS replication. AWS RDS provides a robust replication feature that allows you to create read replicas of your database instances. These read replicas are exact copies of your master database instance, and they can be used for a variety of purposes, such as:

  • Providing read-only access to your database for reporting purposes
  • Improving performance by offloading read traffic from your master instance
  • Enhancing disaster recovery by creating a redundant copy of your database

RDS replication is asynchronous, meaning that changes made to the master instance are replicated to the read replica with a slight delay. This delay is typically measured in seconds, but it can vary depending on the distance between the master and read replica, as well as the load on the instances.

How Does Promoting a Read Replica Work?

When you promote a read replica to a standalone database instance, AWS RDS performs a series of steps to convert the read replica into a independent database instance. Here’s an overview of the process:

  1. AWS RDS stops replication: The first step is to stop replication between the master instance and the read replica. This ensures that no new changes are applied to the read replica during the promotion process.
  2. AWS RDS applies any pending changes: Any pending changes that were in transit during the replication stoppage are applied to the read replica. This ensures that the read replica is in a consistent state before promotion.
  3. AWS RDS updates the read replica's internal state: The read replica’s internal state is updated to reflect its new role as a standalone instance. This includes updating the instance’s configuration, including the database engine, instance type, and storage configuration.
  4. AWS RDS reboots the instance: The instance is rebooted to apply the changes and ensure that the new standalone instance is running with the updated configuration.

Once the promotion process is complete, the read replica is now a standalone database instance, and it’s no longer replicating from the original master instance.

What Happens to Replication When You Promote a Read Replica?

Now, let’s get to the million-dollar question: what happens to replication when you promote a read replica to a standalone instance? The short answer is:

Replication is broken

That’s right! When you promote a read replica to a standalone instance, replication is broken, and the instance is no longer a replica of the original master instance. This means that the promoted instance will not receive any further updates from the original master instance, and it will operate independently.

However, there’s a twist! If you have other read replicas connected to the original master instance, they will continue to replicate from the master instance as usual. The promotion of one read replica to a standalone instance does not affect the replication relationship between the master instance and its other read replicas.

Example Scenario

Let’s consider an example scenario to illustrate how this works:

Instance Role
db-master-1 Master instance
db-replica-1 Read replica of db-master-1
db-replica-2 Read replica of db-master-1

In this scenario, we have a master instance (db-master-1) with two read replicas (db-replica-1 and db-replica-2). Let’s say we want to promote db-replica-1 to a standalone instance. After promotion, the replication relationship between db-master-1 and db-replica-1 is broken, and db-replica-1 becomes an independent instance. However, db-replica-2 continues to replicate from db-master-1 as usual.

|  db-master-1  |
+---------------+       +---------------+
|  db-replica-1  |       |  db-replica-2  |
|(promoted)      |       | (continues to   |
|                 |       |  replicate from  |
|                 |       |  db-master-1)    |
+---------------+       +---------------+


In summary, promoting a read replica to a standalone instance in AWS RDS breaks the replication relationship between the read replica and its original master instance. However, this does not affect the replication relationship between the master instance and its other read replicas. By understanding how AWS RDS replication and promotion work, you can design and implement a robust database architecture that meets your performance, scalability, and disaster recovery requirements.

Remember, when you promote a read replica, it’s essential to carefully consider the implications on your database architecture and ensure that you’re not disrupting critical operations. With great power comes great responsibility, and it’s crucial to wield that power wisely in the world of AWS RDS replication!

Do you have any more questions about AWS RDS replication or promotion? Feel free to ask in the comments below!


Q: Can I re-establish replication between the promoted instance and the original master instance?

A: No, once a read replica is promoted to a standalone instance, it cannot be re-established as a read replica of the original master instance. However, you can create a new read replica from the promoted instance.

Q: Can I promote a read replica to a master instance?

A: No, AWS RDS does not support promoting a read replica to a master instance. If you need to change the role of an instance, you’ll need to create a new instance with the desired role.

Q: How long does the promotion process take?

A: The promotion process typically takes several minutes to complete, depending on the size of the instance, the amount of data, and the instance type.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of AWS RDS and uncover the truth about promoting a Read replica and its impact on replication!

Will promoting a Read replica break replication to its own replica?

The million-dollar question! Fortunately, the answer is no. When you promote a Read replica, it will not break replication to its own replica. The replication process will continue uninterrupted, and the promoted instance will become the new source for its own replicas.

What happens to the Read replica’s connections during the promotion process?

When you promote a Read replica, any open connections to the instance are terminated. However, the promotion process is typically quick, and your application should be designed to reconnect to the new primary instance.

Can I promote a Read replica that is not up-to-date with the primary instance?

No, you cannot promote a Read replica that is not up-to-date with the primary instance. The Read replica must be in sync with the primary instance before you can promote it. If the replica is lagging behind, you’ll need to wait until it catches up before promoting it.

Will promoting a Read replica affect my database performance?

The promotion process itself has a minimal impact on database performance. However, the promoted instance may experience a temporary increase in load as it takes over as the new primary instance. Make sure to monitor your database performance and adjust your instance type or parameters as needed.

Can I automate the promotion of a Read replica?

Yes, you can automate the promotion of a Read replica using AWS SDKs, AWS CLI, or AWS CloudFormation. This allows you to create a failover process that promotes a replica to primary instance in the event of a failure, ensuring high availability for your database.