Unlock the Power of GitLab Pipeline: Using WiX Toolset v3 for Seamless Deployments
Image by Litton - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of GitLab Pipeline: Using WiX Toolset v3 for Seamless Deployments

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Are you tired of manually creating installers for your software applications? Do you struggle with version control and collaboration when building deployment packages? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to harness the power of GitLab Pipeline and WiX Toolset v3 to streamline your deployment process.

What is WiX Toolset v3?

WiX Toolset v3 is a powerful, open-source toolset for building Windows installers. It provides a flexible and customizable way to create installation packages for your software applications. With WiX Toolset v3, you can create deployments that are tailored to your specific needs, complete with custom UI, features, and behaviors.

Why Use GitLab Pipeline with WiX Toolset v3?

GitLab Pipeline is a powerful continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) tool that allows you to automate your development workflow. By integrating WiX Toolset v3 with GitLab Pipeline, you can automate the creation of installation packages, ensuring consistency and reliability across your deployment process.

Benefits of Using GitLab Pipeline with WiX Toolset v3

  • Automated deployment package creation
  • Consistent and reliable deployments
  • Version control and collaboration
  • Faster time-to-market for your software applications
  • Customizable deployment packages tailored to your needs

Prerequisites for Using WiX Toolset v3 in GitLab Pipeline

Before we dive into the tutorial, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • GitLab account and repository
  • WiX Toolset v3 installed on your local machine
  • GitLab CI/CD enabled for your repository
  • Basic knowledge of GitLab Pipeline and YAML syntax

Setting Up Your GitLab Pipeline

To get started, create a new file in your repository’s root directory called `.gitlab-ci.yml`. This file will contain the configuration for your GitLab Pipeline.

  - build
  - deploy


  stage: build
    - '&& curl -o wix.bin https://github.com/wixtoolset/wix3/releases/download/v${WIX_TOOLSET_VERSION}/wix310420 Toolset.exe'
    - '&& .\wix.bin /quiet /norestart'
    - '&& setx WIX_BIN_DIR ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}\wix310420'
    - '&& ${WIX_BIN_DIR}\heat.exe dir products -gg -sfrag -cg MyProduct -o ${OUTPUT_PATH}\MyProduct.wxs'
    - '&& ${WIX_BIN_DIR}\candle.exe -nologo -ext WixUIExtension ${OUTPUT_PATH}\MyProduct.wxs -o ${OUTPUT_PATH}\MyProduct.wixobj'
    - '&& ${WIX_BIN_DIR}\light.exe -nologo -ext WixUIExtension ${OUTPUT_PATH}\MyProduct.wixobj -o ${OUTPUT_PATH}\MyProduct.msi'
      - ${OUTPUT_PATH}/MyProduct.msi

Breaking Down the Script

Let’s break down the script above to understand what each line does:

  • `stages` defines the stages of our pipeline (build and deploy)
  • `variables` sets environment variables for our pipeline (WIX_TOOLSET_VERSION and OUTPUT_PATH)
  • `build-wix` is our pipeline job, which runs in the build stage
  • `script` contains the commands to execute in our pipeline job
  • We download the WiX Toolset v3 installer using `curl` and install it silently using `/quiet /norestart`
  • We set the `WIX_BIN_DIR` environment variable to the path of the WiX Toolset bin directory
  • We generate a WiX source file using `heat.exe` and specify the input directory, output file, and component group
  • We compile the WiX source file using `candle.exe` and specify the output file and component group
  • We link the compiled WiX object file using `light.exe` and specify the output file and component group
  • We define an artifact that contains the generated `MyProduct.msi` file

Running Your GitLab Pipeline

Commit and push your changes to your repository to trigger the pipeline. You can view the pipeline status in the GitLab CI/CD dashboard.

Verifying Your Output

Once the pipeline completes, you can verify the output by checking the artifacts generated by the pipeline. In this case, we should see a `MyProduct.msi` file generated in the `output` directory.

File Name Description
MyProduct.msi Generated installation package

Tips and Variations

Here are some additional tips and variations to help you customize your WiX Toolset v3 pipeline:

  • Use `gitlab-ci.yml` templates to simplify your pipeline configuration
  • Integrate with other CI/CD tools, such as Jenkins or Travis CI
  • Use environment variables to customize your pipeline
  • Run multiple pipeline jobs in parallel to speed up your deployment process
  • Use WiX Toolset v3 extensions, such as WixUIExtension, to customize your installer


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve shown you how to use WiX Toolset v3 in a GitLab Pipeline to create automated deployment packages. By following these steps, you can streamline your deployment process, ensure consistency and reliability, and reduce the time-to-market for your software applications.

Remember to explore the vast range of features and customization options available in WiX Toolset v3 and GitLab Pipeline to tailor your deployment process to your specific needs.

Happy automating!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to boost your productivity with Gitlab Pipeline and WiX Toolset v3! Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about using WiX Toolset v3 in Gitlab Pipeline:

What is WiX Toolset v3 and why do I need it in my Gitlab Pipeline?

WiX Toolset v3 is a set of tools used to build Windows installers from the command line. You need it in your Gitlab Pipeline to automate the creation of Windows installers for your application, making it easier to deploy and manage your software.

How do I install WiX Toolset v3 in my Gitlab Pipeline?

You can install WiX Toolset v3 in your Gitlab Pipeline by adding the `wixtoolset/wix3` image to your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file. This will allow you to use the WiX Toolset v3 commands in your pipeline.

What is the syntax to use WiX Toolset v3 in my Gitlab Pipeline?

The syntax to use WiX Toolset v3 in your Gitlab Pipeline is similar to using it in your local environment. You can use commands like `candle` to compile your WiX files and `light` to link them into an MSI package.

How do I configure WiX Toolset v3 to use my custom settings in my Gitlab Pipeline?

You can configure WiX Toolset v3 to use your custom settings in your Gitlab Pipeline by creating a `wix.conf` file that contains your custom settings. This file will be used by WiX Toolset v3 when compiling and linking your WiX files.

How do I troubleshoot issues with WiX Toolset v3 in my Gitlab Pipeline?

You can troubleshoot issues with WiX Toolset v3 in your Gitlab Pipeline by checking the pipeline logs for error messages, verifying that your WiX files are correct, and testing your pipeline with a simplified WiX file to isolate the issue.

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